Monday, March 12, 2018

Finding out... I'm PREGNANT!!

I don't think it's any secret that we love kids and have wanted to expand our family for quite some time. For about a year and a half we've been leaving it up to God and letting Him decide when to give us our much wanted baby.
After a year and a half we started to suspect that maybe there might be some kind of "problem". It seemed a little suspicious that we had gone so long without getting pregnant once. So at the beginning of the 2018 year we had seen the doctor and started some tests. On the first few tests, we were getting normal results. Which was great, and we were so happy to be healthy in those areas but it was a tad bittersweet, since we didn't seem to be finding anything we could "fix".
About a week before my follow-up appointment, I realized something was missing. The last thing I wanted was to take another pregnancy test and see the negative sign. But.... I didn't want to show up at my follow-up appointment and tell them I didn't know what was going on and admit that I hadn't taken a test. So I decided knowledge was power, even if it wasn't what I wanted for myself right now.
So, the next day was Saturday. I had to work but I thought I would wake up early to workout before my shift. And see what a pregnancy test had to say.
With Luke still in bed, I closed myself in the bathroom and took the test. And after I set it on the counter, I couldn't bring myself to look at it as I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I almost couldn't bear it. Logic was telling me to "Just look at it" because I couldn't change the facts. Emotion was telling me to smack it off the counter and run away without ever looking. After I finally couldn't take it, I had to look. So I picked it up with my eyes closed. Finally, logic won. I already had my answer in front of me, it wasn't going to change the longer I kept my eyes closed. So I opened them... and it was positive.
What do you do when it's positive? Okay this has never happened... how do you react?
Logic: You really should wait to react and surprise Luke tonight. Think of something sweet to break the news you've been waiting for.
Emotion: You should start bawling and run into the bedroom and wake him up
Emotion: Also, you should start shaking.
Logic: At least stop holding the nasty test
Emotion: You should cling to it like a precious heirloom
I don't think it's any guess that emotion took over pretty quickly. I proceeded to whip open the bathroom door and start sobbing. "Luke!" I cried through sobs.
I've never seen that kid pop out of bed so fast! "what's wrong? Are you okay?" since he had no idea what I was doing in the bathroom (and probably didn't even know I was up yet) he was completely clueless, and sleepy.
I seem to remember my shaky hands turning on every light in the bedroom as I sobbed and cried "Luke!"
I crawled over to Luke clutching the test and basically putting it right in his face so he could see what I had done. "What is that thing?" His eyes were too sleepy to focus and register what I was holding! Doh! I tried to suggest "look at this line..." Or "what do you think this is?" When he registered it was a pregnancy test his first reaction was sad. He thought it had been negative and that I was just really upset that the test came out negative. After what seemed like hours it clicked and he realized what I was trying to tell him. We're going to have a baby! Talk about a way to wake up and start your weekend!
How do women keep these things secret and surprise their husbands later? I couldn't imagine keeping this a secret, especially with how quickly emotions arose.
And now, the start to our new adventure begins! Only 29 weeks to go before we get our tiny delivery and we cannot be happier or more thankful! Sure, these days I mostly sleep and tell Luke his food stinks. But my dreams are sweet, and my mind is buzzing with excitement!