The Hubs has been fantasizing for quite some time about an addition to our family. Talk about research, reading blogs, and non-stop chatter about finally settling down and.... getting chickens?
I grew up in the city, I'm not afraid to say I did not want chickens. However, after about a year and a half of Luke watching vlogs, reading articles and even volunteering on a chicken farm to get the idea of how things should work, one Saturday I was not prepared when he said "I'm going to get chicks. You wanna come with me?"
You know how sometimes you hear someone say something that you think it just has to be a joke? This was not a joke. He was actually serious and later we found ourselves at the store picking up 6 chickens, bedding, feed, etc.
I started thinking, hey, this isn't so bad! Look at how cute they are! All you have to do is give them some water and make sure they don't peck each other to death, right?
So we get these cute little fluff balls home and we set them up in their new home... My mother-in-law's garage. I don't know why she agreed to let us do this in-justice to her garage. (it will probably forever smell like chicken droppings)
For the first week it was kind of fun. Go out to the garage, see if any of them will let you pet them, watch them wobble around and see how many feathers they're getting. But then they started getting bigger, and the started to actually get wings. After a few more weeks, the cuteness has fizzled and they start to look like big, creepy hens who look at you with one eye and wonder where they could hurt you the most with their beaks. And did I mention they poop on everything?
It was a struggle to keep them contained in the garage. Once they got their wings they tried very hard to fly the coop, and we had to constantly keep in mind that if the garage door was open they could very well escape and get eaten by the neighbors dog.
But somehow I've managed to get a little attached to them. I don't want them on my lap or anything, but there is one, who we've name "Rotisserie" (Ro for short) who is lighter than the others and likes to be pet.
Since they've gotten so big we've taken them to their very own chicken coop- OUTSIDE! And good news, we still have 6 left! :)

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