Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Dirtiest things..

Working at the front desk in a credit union there are several things I see that get touched every day, and I’ve determined that they may possibly be some of the dirtiest things found either in an establishment, or everywhere. And here there are, in dirtiest to cleanest order:
    1)   Money – Almost every employee in this building is touching money at some point during the day. 4 people basically touch it for a living. And probably 90% of the traffic we get is either bringing in money, or wants to take it out. And the money that we have has only come from somewhere else where people had to handle it and count it.
    2)  Door handle – coming in and going out, this isn’t something you can avoid touching (unless someone holds the door open for you or you open it with something other than your hand). If you expect to get in or out of the building, you better be expecting to touch a dirty door handle too.
    3)  Coffee pot/machine – Again, almost every employee touches this at some point during the day, and a lot of the members do, too. And not only do they touch it in the mornings when they are just waking up, it’s all throughout the day, every day.
    4)  Pens – Need to fill out a transaction slip? Chances are you don’t have a pen easily accessible at that moment, so grab one from the jar! Need to sign the document I just placed in front of you? I have a jar of pens just waiting! :)
    5)  The computer, mouse and keyboard – No employee can escape the daily task of starting up your computer and working on it all day. Banking doesn’t work that way. We even have a desktop in the lobby for our members to use, so computer germs are everywhere.
    6)  The phone – No need to go into the details on how many breakouts I’ve had because of the phone rubbing all over the side of my face. Think of how oily and germy this gets. Spit, breath, oil, it all gets on the phone!
    7)  Hands – You never know who has and who has not washed their hands after touching all the things mentioned above. Shaking hands could be the scariest thing of all!
Obviously I’m not trying to make anyone a germ phobic, but sometimes things just aren’t as “clean” as they appear.

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