Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Typing Errors can Make you Think!

There is a subject that most people don’t understand… lobe. The ear-lobe in particular.
Haha, just kidding. But really.. how many of us really do understand the earlobe? Not me! Why is it so squishy and soft? Why does it bend without hurting and without bones? How is it made to be pierced and not grow back together over time? What other body parts do we have like that? Our lip.. The lip is almost the same. It bends and squishes almost as far as we want. It can make funny faces and brighten people’s day. Isn’t that weird? That we can control our body like that? But then, we have body parts like the finger. The finger is made up of bones and muscles. It can bend and it can wiggle. Some people can twist their fingers into crazy shapes. Isn’t that something? Our arm, a most beloved limb, branches off into other tiny limbs (tiny arms) called fingers. They are built so similar! I don’t know how they’re built underneath, but from what I can see the finger has one joint at the base of the hand (like the shoulder), a joint in the middle (like the elbow), and a joint at the end (like the wrist). I often overlook that last joint, because most of us can’t command that joint the way we can the other joints. But… that last joint is busy going to work every time we grab something. A soda can, a pencil or a book to read. Even typing this now. Watching my fingers I notice that the tips of my fingers are angled so that I can hit the buttons easier. Imagine typing with straight fingers. It would be much more difficult! And another thing… what would it be like without fingernails? I know some people have short short fingernails to where they aren’t too useful, but they still do serve some purpose. They can still be something solid and hard at the end of your fingers to use when trying to open things up. Or peel things off. Try peeling off a sticker with just a little nub at the end of your finger. It’s not really going to work very well. God has made us with everything that we need to survive. To live and thrive and with resources. It’s the little things we have, that make it worth it. It’s the little things that we’d miss the most if we didn’t have them. 

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