Sunday, May 10, 2015

5 Signs You Know You're Married to an Engineer!

There are some things about my hubby that is different from any other kind of man! He has a personality that is shaped very uniquely. And I believe it's because of his engineer/science background. So I have thought up some of the things he does "differently", compared to other guys, and made them into a list. You may enjoy this if you, too, are married to an engineer!
1. He Thinks About Every Decision He Makes For a Long Time
          You ask a simple question, maybe expecting a quick reply, but you may as well forget that! Engineers analyse everything they do-big or small- and they won't give you a true answer until they have thought up every pro and con there is to the situation.
2. You Can Get as Emotional as You Want But He'll Still Remain Logical
         "What are the problems you are facing right now?" "How could a different choice have affected your current feelings?" "What could we do differently in the future?" These are all things your husband might come out and ask you when you have the blues, or are angry about something. Logic is their specialty. No need to get emotional when you can solve the problem with math!
3. The Computer is Part of Your Budget
         I had never even heard of a graphics card before we got married. Not until one broke and not having a new one was not an option. If only I would have known that a new tablet or an upgraded computer would take so much attention! ;) I never did like video games a whole lot, but I think I may need to start learning..
4. He Can and Will Make Tons of Things Himself
        Need a front airdam(??) on the car? How about some black garden edging! Feeling too warm at work? How about a makeshift "air director" on your fan! I never knew the possibilities were so endless! But he always did. Not to mention, never is he ever embarrassed about his homemade inventions... even when the garden edging scrapes any driveway you ever back off of.
5. You May Feel that His Introvert Mindset is Slowly Becoming More Appealing than Being Extroverted
       At times I have to remind myself that being outgoing and social really is more fun to me than sitting alone and not talking to anyone. But this point can go two ways. If you are talented enough, you may find your engineer love being more and more outgoing just because you are! Also, even when two really good friends, who are both engineers, get together they don't even need to talk! Most of the time they get together just to play video games anyway!
There are definitely things I have not covered here, but who has time for an extensive list? If you still don't understand the cute habits of our dear engineers, I would recommend this video. Even if you aren't looking for dating tips, he names a lot of the quirky habits of the men with the calculators!--

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